HHR - Hart House Restaurant
HHR stands for Hart House Restaurant
Here you will find, what does HHR stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hart House Restaurant? Hart House Restaurant can be abbreviated as HHR What does HHR stand for? HHR stands for Hart House Restaurant. What does Hart House Restaurant mean?The Canada based company is located in Burnaby, British Columbia engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HHR
- Harry Hermione Romance
- High Heat Resistant
- Half Height Resolution
- Health and Human Rights
- Home for Human Rights
- Jack Northrop Fld Hawthorne Muni airport
- 09 Helsinki Human Rights
- hand-held radar
View 47 other definitions of HHR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HECF Heart of England Community Foundation
- HWS Highgate Wood School
- HSC Hotel State College
- HSL Hartley Sas Ltd
- HNR Hill Newton Recruitment
- HBHCI Heritage Behavioral Health Consultants Inc.
- HAI Housing Action Illinois
- HAHL Howden Africa Holdings Ltd
- HGAS HG Apps Store
- HHGTAR Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area Restore
- HRCO Hard Rock Cafe Oslo
- HNEL Hear and Now Entertainment Ltd
- HMSHI HMS Host Inc
- HVR Hotel Vishal Residency
- HWM Hawkins Wealth Management
- HHLI Houston Home Loan Inc
- HSG Harman Specialty Group
- HH Haven of Hope
- HTGL Heng Tai Group Limited
- HISPL Hades Info Systems Pvt. Ltd.